Z Ensembles & Classes

Whether you’re looking to become the next Yo-Yo, Wolfgang, or Eric Cartman — or you simply love music and want someplace really great to play all summer — you’ll find a terrific summer musical home at MiPAC.

Photograph © Keisuke HoashiAt MiPAC, you’re looking at:

  • Playing up to six hours a day.
  • Playing new music every week, in every group.
  • Your sightreading is going to get SO amazingly good.
  • Playing as many instruments, genres, and groups as you can fit into 24 hours.

You’re not going to want to miss MiPAC. Heck, you’ll be having so much fun, meeting so many great people and playing so much great music, you’re not going to want to leave!

Scroll on down for full details of MiPAC’s awesome lineup of ensembles and classes.

© Keisuke Hoashi


At the core of any great music camp are its BIG ENSEMBLES. Those, we got for sure!  Every one of them does a public concert every week, with different repertoire for every performance. (You’re going to become the best sightreader in your school after a summer at MiPAC!)

  1. Chamber Orchestra
  2. Symphony Orchestra
  3. Wind Ensemble
  4. Symphonic Band
  5. Jazz Ensemble
  6. Lab Jazz Ensemble
  7. Chamber Choir
  8. Concert Choir
  9. Jazz Choir


In MiPAC’s unique NEW MUSICAL WORKSHOP, campers create a brand-new, one-act musical in just two weeks.

You heard rightly.

Camp founders Keisuke Hoashi and Tim Martuch themselves teach the campers how to WRITE THEIR OWN SHOW. Script, music, lyrics, everything. Along the way, campers learn extraordinarily valuable lessons about collaboration, compromise, and teamwork, as they battle the ticking clock to the biweekly staged reading of their new musical.

The workshop is open to ALL campers.


Equally terrific for your musicianshipizing is playing in SMALL ENSEMBLES – aka Chamber Groups, Combos, Garage Bands, etc. You’ll have tons of them to choose from at MiPAC, and play in them every day.

  1. Jazz Combos
  2. Vocal Chamber Ensembles
  3. String Chamber Ensembles
  4. Woodwind Ensembles
  5. Brass Ensembles
  6. Saxophone Ensembles
  7. Piano Ensembles
  8. Mixed Instrument Ensembles
  9. Electric String Ensembles
  10. Rock Bands


Yah, we know you’d love to play nonstop, but even the very best of insanely great musicians preach the importance of taking breaks and improving your mind. So we’ve got classes to make you an even better musician while resting your chops.

  1. Music Theory
  2. Conducting
  3. Harmony
  4. Composition
  5. Vocal Warmup
  6. Brass Warmup
  7. Reedmaking
  8. Physical Ed
  9. Dance
  10. Acting
  11. Filmmaking
  12. Technical Theater


Have you ever said, what the heck, I’ve always wanted to try something new? MiPAC gives you that chance to indulge your curiosity. Learn a second/third/eighth instrument. Play rep that you’ll probably never get to see back in your own school’s band rooms. Go on, give it a shot! It could change your life.

  1. Repertory Band
  2. String Orchestra
  3. Repertoire Choir (prn. REP-ah-twah KWAAAAh)
  4. Musical Theatre Rep Class
  5. Beginning Guitar
  6. Beginning Piano
  7. Beginning Composition
  8. Beginning Improvization
